If you fail your drive test, you must wait 14 days (not including the day the test was failed) before you may take the test again. Provide proof of financial responsibility (insurance) that meets or exceeds California insurance requirements.You may also call 1-80 during regular business hours to make an appointment.

Have held your provisional instruction permit for a minimum of six months.Once you complete the requirements of your provisional instruction permit, you are eligible to take your driving test. Housecar/motorhome (Noncommercial Class B): Over 40 feet, but not over 45 feet (with endorsement).Īll noncommercial DLs are available as either REAL ID compliant or federal non-compliant cards.Travel trailer/fifth wheel (Noncommercial Class A): Over 15,000 pounds gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR), or a trailer coach over 10,000 pounds GVWR (when the towing is not for compensation).Learn how to apply for a motorcycle license. Motorcycle (Class M1 or M2): 2-wheel motorized vehicle.GVWR, when towing is not for compensation, and with endorsement. Fifth-wheel travel trailer exceeding 10,000 lbs.GVWR when towing is not for compensation. Trailer coach or fifth-wheel travel trailer under 10,000 lbs.A single vehicle with a GVWR of 10,000 lbs.With a Class C driver’s license, you may tow: Basic DL (Class C): A standard vehicle or truck for personal use on California roadways.There are four types of noncommercial DLs: Details about the categories and sub-types of licenses can be found below, as well as in the California Driver Handbook.

Within the noncommercial category, there are sub-types of licenses that authorize drivers to operate specific types of motor vehicles. There are two main categories of DLs: noncommercial and commercial.